NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 3, Page 2 Tossup 1: Literature (Literature) His next book is rumored to be about Sofia Kovalevskaya,the first major female Russian mathematician. Thiseclectic author is wel known for the blend of "high" and "low" culture in his works, ranging from alusionsto Nabokov's Lolita toThelonious Monk and the Beatles. His two cameos on the Simpsonsarethe only times his voice has been broadcast in the media. Name this author of Vineland, Mason & Dixon, The Crying of Lot 49 and Gravity's Rainbow. Answer: Thomas Ruggles Pynchon V Bonus 1: Math (Geometry) Find the areas of the folowing figures. A: A circle with circumference 10. B: A square with diagonal of 4. C: A triangle with sides of 3, 3, and 5. D: A regular hexagon with sides of length 2. Answers: A: 25 / pi B: 8 C: 5 root 11 / 4 (or 5/4 root 11) D:6 root 3 Tossup 2: Science (Biology) For some reason, puferfish havevery minimal ones. It is unknown why theyexist, though their discoverers were awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Medicine. They sometimes enhance splicing, perhaps by altering the secondary structure of RNA, and some even are ribozymes that splice themselves,though most are thought to besimply junk DNA without apurpose. Name these sections of DNA not used in transcription, with a name short for "intervening sequences." Answer: Introns (accept "intervening sequences" before last clue) Bonus 2: Miscelaneous (Other) Identify the folowing fadsof the 80s and 90s. A: Each of these stufed animals came with a heart shaped tag with a bit of poetry inside atached. B: It appears to be a cross between a hamster, a cat and an owl, but one can not be quite sure. These obnoxious things talkedto each other and made an awful racket. C: This toy sold by Bandai, namedfor the Japanese word for 'egg', was bannedat prety much every school due to children contantly havingto clean up its poop during classes. D: This craze is named after a juice made from passion fruit, orange and guava. It features a helogoodbye music video, and a tournamentis held with these. Answers: A: Beanie Babies B: Furby C:Tamagotchi (not Giga Petsor Nano Pets, they weren't sold by Bandai) D: Pogs (begrudginglyalso accept Milkcaps) Tossup 3: Social Studies (World History) The Koran refers to her as Bilqis, and in Ethiopia, where her kingdom is believed to have been located, she is caled Makeda. She is not mentioned in the Bible by name, but she appears in First Kings and Second Chronicles. In thosepassages, she visits King Solomon with many gifts, including four and a half tons of gold. Impressed with Solomon’s wisdom and wealth,she sings the praises of the Hebrew God. What royal figure of legendary wealth is rumored to have an afair with King Solomon? Answer: The Queen of Sheba Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/